Want to support local? We’ve got ideas on how to keep your favorite businesses booming!
During this challenging time, it is critical that we support our local, small businesses to keep them alive. Read on for ways you can help keep your favorite local businesses afloat.
Join a CSA. By joining a CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) program, you will directly support a local farm of your choice and get an abundance of fresh, local produce.
Leave a review. This is a great time to leave positive reviews of your favorite local businesses on Yelp, Google, Facebook and other social media. Not only can it help drive traffic to these businesses, but the business owners and workers will appreciate the extra support right now.
Share on social media. Had a great meal or a great shopping experience? Share a photo on social media to help spread the word.
Buy from local, independently owned businesses. Help the small businesses you love stay in business by buying their products and services rather from a big-box store. Many small businesses are operating by phone and online right now. When you buy local, you’re not only supporting community businesses, but you’ll often get your products faster!
Buy gift cards. You can use them once businesses reopen. In the meantime, you’re providing the businesses with income they desperately need.
Order takeaway and tip as if you’re dining in. Order from your favorite local eatery and either pick it up curbside or have it delivered. Tip like you normally would, or as much as you can afford, to help support staff.
Buy from your farmers market. Check the website of your local farmers market for information about how to support farmers and your local market.
Donate your entertainment ticket(s). If you have a ticket to a performance, concert, show, etc. that has been canceled because of the pandemic, donate it to an organization that you purchased it from rather than asking for a refund.
“Local Businesses Need Your Support During COVID-19. Here’s How,” Kennedy Smith, ilsr.org, April 3, 2020.