Month November 2015

The Not-So-Obvious Workplace Activity That Has Powerful Health Benefits

Hosting a salad bar once a month or coordinating walking meetings clearly yield health benefits for your employees and your company. But there are more discrete ways to encourage healthiness in your work environment, such as volunteerism. The health benefits… Continue Reading →

Finding the “I” in Team

Did you know that the best way to feel independent is to feel like you are a part of a team? It sounds contradictory, sure. But recent studies have shown that in order to feel capable, important and truly responsible… Continue Reading →

Make Creativity the Conductor of Productivity in the Workforce

How Enhancing Your Business is like Composing a Symphony There comes a time in every business venture when things need to be shaken up — sometimes drastically, other times just a bit. Either way, one can’t just clap her hands together… Continue Reading →

Motivation Is the Undertone in Your Next Playlist Track

Why You Should Change the Beat of Your Wellness Program to Get Your Employees to Tune In You’ve probably felt it before – your pace picks up, you jump a little higher, or maybe you are actually enjoying your jog… Continue Reading →

Spotlight: Bring Diabetes Awareness to Your Workplace

November is American Diabetes Month Nobody ever plans to get sick, yet diabetes is one of the primary causes of disability and death in the United States. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and… Continue Reading →

The Natural Sweetness of Motivation

Why You Should Help Your Employees Reduce Their Added Sugar Intake  As sweet as it is to have a sugar rush after eating an afternoon cookie, the crash that follows within the hour is anything but. That little pick-me-up that… Continue Reading →

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