I THOUGHT you looked older than your age. “Don’t forget, you’re smoking for two now.” This is the old wry twist on the exhortation of pregnant women to remember they’re eating for two. “Eating for two” is a reminder to… Continue Reading →
When it was over, we left through a back exit designed especially for newly mourning pet owners, so we wouldn’t have to face those happy humans in the waiting room whose animal loved ones were still with them. When Fido’s… Continue Reading →
“What gets measured gets managed.” (— Peter Drucker?) There is an old saying in management, if you want to improve something, start by measuring it, or you won’t see how to make a difference. (— Catharine Paddock, Ph.D.) Makes sense,… Continue Reading →
Note that critical thought does not need to involve intellectual hoop-jumping or mental gymnastics that only lawyers, philosophers or Mensa members can understand. It is a simple method of processing information that includes examining biases and assumptions (within oneself and… Continue Reading →
Of (sedentary) Mice and (active) Men (and women) I might not be a genius yet, but I’m really good at identifying when the word red is written in blue ink. (— Elizabeth Day, TheGuardian.com)
Wellness Programs and EAPs Brian Tracy, a well-known business motivational authority and speaker, once said that a manager who uses destructive criticism on an employee gets about the same result as taking a sledgehammer to a piece of office furniture…. Continue Reading →
Considering Square Pegs and Round Holes Working in groups or teams has long been considered a necessary component of successful business. In 1898, Boston-based Filene’s, a department store since purchased by Macy’s, was the first U.S. company to introduce the… Continue Reading →
Treating Stress, Anxiety and Depression to Impact Physical Health The mind-body problem is a fun game played by philosophers and epistemologists since before Aristotle’s time. The essential question is whether the mind (consciousness) is separate and distinct from matter (the… Continue Reading →
Troubleshooting Employee (and employer) Disengagement An update on a classic management primer The extent of employee disengagement is a hot topic right now in corporate circles. An Internet search will produce hundreds of articles highlighting the problem and proposing solutions…. Continue Reading →
Rediscover the Forgotten Cost-Saver EAP Awareness An Employee Assistance Program is a familiar entity to human resources mangers at the vast majority of mid- to large-sized U.S. companies. Whether by gut feeling or statistical study, they understand that EAPs are… Continue Reading →
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