

Simple Ways to Enjoy Apples This Fall

by Kristy Hegner

Did you know? There are more than 100 varieties of apples grown in the U.S.! Autumn is apple season in most states – so it should be easy to find some in your hometown. Enjoy apples in some of these… Continue Reading →

Camping Safety

by Megan Van Hoet

Picture this scene: leaves blowing in the wind, water moving down a river and the sun peeking through the sky. Birds are chirping in the distance. You take a deep breath, filling your lungs with fresh air. Connecting with nature… Continue Reading →

Transitioning Your Family From Summer to School

by Jessica Malen

Fall Into This Easy Back-to-School Routine Can you believe it’s already time to start thinking about your kids going back to school? This month, we have tips and tricks to help you transition your family from summertime to school this… Continue Reading →

Outdoors Are In

by Jen Wynn

Outdoor play and exploration is a fun and valuable part of a healthy lifestyle for every stage of life. It can support mental wellbeing, physical health and can even fortify relationships. See if you can coordinate an adventure to a… Continue Reading →

Play It “Safe” This Summer

by Kim Bielenda

Summer means good times under the sun and making memories with family and friends. While enjoying traditional summertime activities, however, it’s important to keep in mind certain safety measures. For example, two-thirds of drowning deaths occur in the summer, between… Continue Reading →

Healthier Winter Spaghetti

by Jen Wynn

Yield: 8 servings Ingredients 2 red bell peppers, chopped 2 medium red onions, chopped 1 8-ounce container mushrooms of choice, sliced 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 box whole-grain spaghetti noodles or roasted spaghetti squash 1 pound lean ground… Continue Reading →

Ski Your Way to Better Health

by Megan Van Hoet

Picture this scene: You are sitting on a chairlift bundled up in snow pants, a winter jacket, gloves, hat and helmet. You’re traveling up a snow-covered hill with ski poles in hand, boots on your feet, and skis (or a… Continue Reading →

Do You Need to Rethink Your Drink?

by Jessica Malen

Fun Fact: The human body is about 60 percent water. Getting enough H20 is essential to your health for a variety of reasons. Water has an assortment of roles from providing energy for your muscles to keeping your skin looking… Continue Reading →

Warming Winter Meal Ideas

by Jessica Malen

Warm Up Your Winter With These Nutritious Dishes The last thing anyone wants to do after a long day is to spend hours in the kitchen. This month, we’ve put together a list of nutritious warming winter meal ideas to… Continue Reading →

New Goals for Your New Year

by Jen Wynn

Fresh Ways to Start Your New Year We hope the New Year is off to a healthy and happy start for you and your loved ones. We know you have a list of things you’d like to do in the… Continue Reading →

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