Tag health

Be Alert and Look for Stroke Symptoms Before It’s Too Late

Oct. 29 is World Stroke Day, a time to bring awareness to this serious condition and raise discussion about the signs and symptoms of a stroke. A stroke occurs when there is a blockage or bleed in your blood vessels… Continue Reading →

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure or are simply trying to prevent it, try these tips in addition to speaking with your primary care physician. Sit less, move more. Recent research has shown how sitting six to eight hours per day… Continue Reading →

Is Your ZIP Code a Better Predictor of Health Than Your Genetic Code?

Nature vs. environment? Did you know that where you live can play a huge factor in longevity and quality of life? Find out how by reading on. While both your genetics and your environment play a role in your overall… Continue Reading →

Five Foods To Boost Your Brain

If you’re trying to take care of your brain, it’s important to focus on fueling yourself with the nutrients your body needs in order to support brain health and optimal mental function. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and B vitamins… Continue Reading →

Living Well With Type 2 Diabetes: Myths vs. Facts

When it comes to any complicated disease or topic, you will likely hear or read information on the topic from various sources, including the internet and from friends and family. Unfortunately, you can’t always rely on information you receive to… Continue Reading →

The Positive Power of Pets

Discover the Health Benefits of Pet Ownership! An estimated 68% of U.S. households have a pet, according to the National Institute of Health. But exactly what health benefits does pet ownership bring? Find out by reading on. One of the… Continue Reading →

How to Build Your Resilience During a Crisis

Build Your Resilience: Overcome a Crisis, Foster Personal Growth and Improve Your Health! Have you ever heard of the word “resilience?” It is defined by psychologists as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats… Continue Reading →

Protect Your Wellbeing as a Health Care Professional

Here are five key practices for cultivating your own wellbeing and nurturing your relationships with colleagues and patients as a health care professional: Connection When you intentionally have kind and supportive interactions with others, you can encourage a collaborative work… Continue Reading →

Cold and Flu Safety Know-How to Help You Through the Winter

According to the CDC, regular handwashing (particularly before and after certain activities) is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and prevent the spread of germs to others. Yes, you can avoid colds and the flu most of… Continue Reading →

November Is Men’s Health Month

Why we’re celebrating Movemeber, and think you should, too. It’s November, which means it’s also Movember. Movember is all about tackling prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention through a male lens. This month is dedicated to our… Continue Reading →

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