Of (sedentary) Mice and (active) Men (and women) I might not be a genius yet, but I’m really good at identifying when the word red is written in blue ink. (— Elizabeth Day, TheGuardian.com)
Spring is in the air and summer is just around the corner — what better time to get in shape, lose weight or increase your physical endurance? Did you know regular physical activity increases your chance of living a longer,… Continue Reading →
Wellness Programs and EAPs Brian Tracy, a well-known business motivational authority and speaker, once said that a manager who uses destructive criticism on an employee gets about the same result as taking a sledgehammer to a piece of office furniture…. Continue Reading →
What You Eat Directly Affects Your Mood and How Your Brain Functions You’ve heard it before: it’s important to “eat clean” when it comes to maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle. But what does that really mean? Eating clean for one person… Continue Reading →
Doing Something Your Employees Enjoy Restores Energy and Motivates Productivity There are few feelings that parallel doing something you truly enjoy or love. What is your favorite hobby? Painting, playing hockey, gardening, making it to the weeknight golf outing, waltzing… Continue Reading →
Different seasons bring out different attitudes and emotions from one person to the next. It might seem impossible to tailor the season to all of your employees, especially if you have thousands of team members. (Who are we kidding; that… Continue Reading →
Make This Year Your Most Successful Yet! Welcome to the new year. The Champagne has been popped and poured, the confetti swept up, and your party clothes hung back in your closet. The first month of the year is often… Continue Reading →
Immediate Goals are Effective Goals Derail procrastination by helping your employees believe the future is nigh. (Fire up the Delorian!) Research shows that short-term goals are more effective in creating healthier habits because they make the future feel closer and… Continue Reading →
Our last post focused on behaviors you can encourage your employees to adopt to increase their personal and professional productivity. If you are a manager, there are strategies you can use to increase your organization’s output. According to a Gallup… Continue Reading →
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