“What did you learn today? What mistake did you make that taught you something? What did you try hard at today?” –Carol Dweck Introspection Introspection is an act of self-care that often goes overlooked when we consider our goals and… Continue Reading →
Could it be the way they nestle next to you at the first crack of a thunderstorm; how they make you laugh when you get a glimpse of their personality as they play with other dogs; or is it found… Continue Reading →
Why You Should Change the Beat of Your Wellness Program to Get Your Employees to Tune In You’ve probably felt it before – your pace picks up, you jump a little higher, or maybe you are actually enjoying your jog… Continue Reading →
Why You Should Help Your Employees Reduce Their Added Sugar Intake As sweet as it is to have a sugar rush after eating an afternoon cookie, the crash that follows within the hour is anything but. That little pick-me-up that… Continue Reading →
Sadly, It Doesn’t Involve Eating More Ice Cream When you step into an ice cream parlor, you are met with a bounty of flavors. Generally, you don’t purchase the same scoop every time (but it’s OK if you do), so… Continue Reading →
Scoping out the Situation Ahead of Time Can Boost Follow-Through You know your employees are much more than any number on an annual report – they are a big brother, a father, a t-ball coach. Do your employees know you… Continue Reading →
Harness the Power of Identity to Transform Your Employees’ Health Want to help your employees improve their health? Appeal to their identity. Researchers at the University of Exeter found that identity – how one thinks about oneself – is a… Continue Reading →
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