It’s probably safe to say most of us are seeking to achieve some level of self-improvement; however, research out of the University of Scranton suggests only about 8 percent of people actually accomplish their health goals. Often the goals we set are too lofty or the motivation driving the goal gets lost, which makes achievement seem like an impossible task. If you can relate, it might be time to consider a health coach. As a sports coach pushes athletes to be the best they can be, a health coach encourages clients to become the best version of themselves. Health coaches focus on their clients’ strengths – improving self-efficacy and setting the tone for more successful goal creation and progress. This approach facilitates accomplishing small, achievable goals that result in long-lasting, sustainable change.

A health coach is a guide — someone to help steer you down the path that will ultimately lead to your success. A health coach doesn’t tell you what to do and exactly how to do it. You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your own health and wellbeing. Think of your coach as your personal navigation system.

Still not convinced a health coach is right for you? Read on for eight more reasons why we think everyone needs one.

Health Coaches:

  1. Remind you of the bigger picture — We often get caught up in the day-to-day nuances of life and forget about our ultimate goal. Your health coach will help you write your personal mission statement and regularly remind you what you’re setting out to achieve and why, so it doesn’t get lost or forgotten.
  2. Are on your team — Think of your health coach as your personal cheerleader, someone who’s in your corner rooting for you. Your coach does not experience any personal gain from your successes and accepts you regardless of your progress. They support and encourage you to be the best version of yourself, and always have your best interests in mind.
  3. Focus on the whole person — To your health coach, you are not just a bunch of numbers. You are a whole person – spirit, mind and body. You have a family, job(s), hobbies and so many things happening in your life that are all interrelated and contribute to your success.
  4. Foster a relationship built on trust — You will develop a special relationship with your coach that is founded on trust. Your coach listens and serves as a nonjudgmental and objective companion, guiding your journey to personal health and wellbeing.
  5. Help you overcome obstacles — Your health coach helps you plan for obstacles before you encounter them, making sure you’re always setting yourself up for victory. Viewing obstacles as opportunities for challenge, growth and change helps prepare you for anything you might come across on your journey.
  6. Encourage you to reframe your thoughts and experiences — During your journey, you will be challenged by your coach to reframe and focus on what went right, rather than what went wrong or didn’t go as planned. Identifying with the positive helps you focus on your strengths and allows you to recognize, and give yourself credit for, small accomplishments.
  7. Meet and accept you where you are — No one ought to be telling you where you “should” be. You are the expert on your life. Your health coach will accept you no matter where you are on your journey, while still encouraging small changes and steps forward.
  8. Hold you accountable — Everyone can use an accountability partner, someone who checks in on you to ensure you’ve done what you planned. When you have to report back to someone, you’re more likely to follow through. After all, you wouldn’t want to disappoint your health coach!

Click here to learn more about Asset Health’s coaching programs.