Tag Type 2 diabetes

The Different Types of Diabetes

November is designated as Diabetes Awareness Month, a time to bring awareness to the common types of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and gestational. Diabetes affects one in 10 Americans and about 84 million others are at risk of developing… Continue Reading →

Living Well With Type 2 Diabetes: Myths vs. Facts

When it comes to any complicated disease or topic, you will likely hear or read information on the topic from various sources, including the internet and from friends and family. Unfortunately, you can’t always rely on information you receive to… Continue Reading →

Living Well With Diabetes: Managing Your Diabetes Through a Healthy Lifestyle

Learn How to Manage Your Diabetes with Nutrition and Physical Activity Managing your diabetes does not have to be as challenging as it may seem initially. Although there is a lot of information to learn about the condition, taking steps… Continue Reading →

Living Well With Diabetes: Just Diagnosed

Approximately one in 10 Americans have diabetes with about 90-95% of them having type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that is also progressive, but with proper management, you can stop or slow many of the complications… Continue Reading →

Amp up Your Diabetes Awareness

November Is American Diabetes Month Nobody ever plans to get sick, yet diabetes is one of the primary causes of disability and death in the United States. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and… Continue Reading →

Spotlight: Bring Diabetes Awareness to Your Workplace

November is American Diabetes Month Nobody ever plans to get sick, yet diabetes is one of the primary causes of disability and death in the United States. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and… Continue Reading →

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