Tag healthy habit

Habit Formation and Lifelong Self-Care Success

Are You a “Habiter” or an “Unhabiter?” What is a habit? Are you what Michelle Segar, a University of Michigan researcher and long-time health coach, calls a “habiter” or “unhabiter?” Read on to discover why it matters for long-term self-care… Continue Reading →

Be Patient, It May Take 254 Days to Develop a New Habit

Attention levels vary from person to person, but many believe the average human attention span is now shorter than a goldfish’s. Recent studies show that in the smartphone era, the average person’s attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in… Continue Reading →

Transforming Micro Habits Into Daily Routines

BJ Fogg, a Stanford professor, suggests that we don’t have to get entangled in taking huge actions in order to achieve our goals. Instead, he recommends small, but measurable shifts that, one by one, build up to our bigger goals… Continue Reading →

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