
Megan Van Hoet

114 Things to Try Instead of Tobacco

by Megan Van Hoet

Sometimes, the best thing we can do when a tobacco or nicotine craving hits is to simply redirect our attention to something different and interesting. Most of the time, the urge is gone within minutes! There are countless things you… Continue Reading →

National Poison Prevention Week

by Megan Van Hoet

According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, accidents involving chemicals, medicines or other household items are common. Poison is defined as anything that can harm someone if used the wrong way, by the wrong person, or in the wrong… Continue Reading →

Ski Your Way to Better Health

by Megan Van Hoet

Picture this scene: You are sitting on a chairlift bundled up in snow pants, a winter jacket, gloves, hat and helmet. You’re traveling up a snow-covered hill with ski poles in hand, boots on your feet, and skis (or a… Continue Reading →

Have a Safe Holiday Season

by Megan Van Hoet

Late November through mid-January is the time of year for thankfulness, gratitude and togetherness. The beautiful holiday decorations, gathering of families and increased travel can pose risks you haven’t thought about. While enjoying time with family and friends, make sure… Continue Reading →

Back-to-School Safety

by Megan Van Hoet

A new school year is the beginning of something special. Another year for students to learn and grow, meet new friends and reconnect with the old. The excitement of new classes, teachers, school supplies, and maybe even a new school… Continue Reading →

Be Patient, It May Take 254 Days to Develop a New Habit

by Megan Van Hoet

Attention levels vary from person to person, but many believe the average human attention span is now shorter than a goldfish’s. Recent studies show that in the smartphone era, the average person’s attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in… Continue Reading →

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